The international TAPKO Team

Our employees come from 13 different nations.

Due to globalisation, we already work together in many customer relationships and networks worldwide. We also work in a multicultural team at our company location in Regensburg. Our employees currently come from the following countries: Germany, Turkey, India, Romania, Iran, Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Spain, South Korea, Singapore, Afghanistan, Ukraine.

Differences do not separate us - they make us interested in the culture and people. Our international team perceives the different ways of thinking and working as an enrichment rather than an obstacle. Common solutions make us strong and form our family-like team.

At TAPKO we have a common lunch table - our cultural meeting place. Anyone who wants, can take part in interdepartmental discussions. Language barriers are broken down through togetherness. New employees gradually integrate themselves into the common conversations. As a member of the TAPKO Family you are always integrated.

Many cultures, many languages, one TAPKO team!
